Why Ethanol Extraction

by | Sep 3, 2023 | Feature | 0 comments

Ethanol extraction has become a prominent method in the cannabis industry for its scalability, efficiency, and potential to yield high-quality extracts. However, it’s important to recognize that this method is not without its complexities. In this blog, we will delve into the multifaceted nature of ethanol extraction, considering its scalability, efficiency, environmental considerations, and the costs associated with its implementation.



Ethanol extraction offers remarkable scalability, making it suitable for businesses of various sizes. Whether you’re a craft producer or a large-scale operation, the flexibility of ethanol extraction can accommodate your needs. The process can be adapted for both small and large batches, allowing producers to efficiently scale their operations while maintaining product consistency and quality.


Efficiency and Terpene Preservation

While ethanol extraction is efficient in extracting a wide range of compounds, it’s important to note that it can inadvertently lead to the loss of some volatile compounds, particularly the lighter end  terpenes. Targeted process parameters in conjunction with automated control algorithms can help mitigate this loss  , which can impact the overall aroma and flavor profile of the final product. This trade-off between efficiency and terpene preservation is a crucial consideration for producers who prioritize the entourage effect and diverse flavor profiles.


Environmental Challenges

Ethanol extraction, while offering various benefits, can also present environmental challenges. Ethanol is classified as a VOC and its use can contribute to air pollution if not managed properly. Additionally, the disposal of ethanol-containing waste requires careful consideration to adhere to environmental regulations. Implementing closed-loop systems and proper waste management practices are vital to mitigate these challenges and align the extraction process with sustainable practices.


Cost of Entry and Additional Equipment

Starting an ethanol extraction operation can indeed be costly. The initial investment includes the cost of the ethanol extraction equipment itself, as well as additional equipment for ethanol recovery and solvent recycling. Proper ventilation and safety measures are also necessary to ensure a safe working environment. While the cost of entry might be higher compared to some other methods, it’s important to view it as an investment in producing high-quality extracts and complying with industry standards.



Ethanol extraction is a dynamic method that offers scalability, efficiency, and the potential to produce high-quality cannabis extracts. However, its complexities are evident in the challenges it poses. Balancing scalability with terpene preservation, addressing environmental concerns through sustainable practices, and managing the cost of entry are all critical aspects that businesses must navigate when adopting ethanol extraction. By understanding these nuances and making informed decisions, producers can harness the benefits of ethanol extraction while mitigating its challenges, ultimately contributing to the growth and sustainability of the cannabis and hemp industry.